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What's Eating Gilbert

Here's another shot of free for you!

Like a superhero revealing his true identity, Chad Gilbert of vetran pop-punker's New Found Glory has a side project cleverly named What's Eating Gilbert -with five songs for you to download free of charge!

What's Eating Gilbert is everything music should be - fun, affectionate, endearing and honest. Emotions ranging from sombre honesty in 'Devil in Me' to resent filled defiance in 'Thinkin' Bout Her', this selection of songs send out a clear message: this is who I am, do not be afraid to be yourself.

What is best about this is the home-grown aspect of it. The entire project is driven solely by Chad: the blog posts sharing recordings of himself and girlfriend Hayley Williams covering a song from the Juno soundtrack, to the competitions with prizes from his own wallet. It is this organic element that so many musicians have lost touch with these days.

Filled with love and positivity Chad discloses his hopes, fears and misgivings with his candid lyrics - a confessional. Drawing from New Found Glory's vivacious sounds yet adding a truly personal twist you'd be foolish not to head on over to What's Eating Gilbert and grab a bite.

What's Eating Gilbert
Also check out: New Found Glory

1 comment:

  1. Brill they should hire you to write their press releases! Very clever
